Loud-mouthed liberal feminist. Anarchist knitter. Tequila-drinking artsy-smartsy fat chick. Bluesy folk-rock singer-songwriter. Rebel with too many causes. Quirky eclectic pagan poet. Paradoxical intuitive smartass. Sarcastic brainiac insomniac. You know, for starters.



Mercury has been retrograde, and life has shifted accordingly. I have been introspective and not as social as usual; I have had enough mix-ups, surprises, hijinks, misunderstandings, miscommunications, and complications to last me for quite some time thankyouveryfuckingmuch; and the past has (as usual) returned to haunt me in typical ass-biting fashion. I know that there's a time for this kind of thing, for things to rewind, backfire, backpedal, and reshape....but sometimes I just don't like it. How come enlightenment can't be FUN??

Not that I'm enlightened.

Anyway, Mercury goes direct tomorrow (HALLELUJAH!), and life should get back to, er, normal. In the mantime, I have just a few things to share today:

* Saturday, I went with some friends to see the Dia de los Muertos exhibit at the National Museum of Mexican Art in Pilsen, here in Chicago. This is an annual exhibit that I've seen for the past few years, and it has yet to disappoint. The works run the gamut of political and personal, with some really startling and moving and intense stuff, all centered around the Mexican Day of the Dead traditions. Some of this is sculpture or painting or what I would call (for lack of a better term) more "typical" art-y works; others are amazing and gorgeous installations of ofrendas, altars built to honor Beloved Dead. The museum is easily reached via public transit, and admission is on a voluntary donation basis. I highly recommend this exhibit...and also, while you're there, check out the "Mexicanidad" exhibit down the hall from the Dia de los Muertos exhibit; it's a great tutorial on Mexican history and experience, and there are some of the most stunning and fascinating works of art I've ever seen in this collection.

* Sunday, my friend Jen and I saw the ass-kicking Girlyman, along with bonus awesome Ann Arbor duo Nervous but Excited. I stumbled onto Girlyman randomly on some blog or other, and was instantly hooked, and really overjoyed to find them playing soon in Chicago. They rock a plethora of styles, tremendous lyrics, interesting instrumentation, and (of course) super tasty vocal harmonies....if you dig the folk rock thing, I cannot recommend them highly enough - especially if you're also of a social justice bent. The opener, Nervous but Excited, was a delightful surprise (opening bands are always kind of a crapshoot, but these ladies rocked!)...really good songs, really good playing, really good singing, and some surprising twists that took the act from enjoyable to friggin' brilliant. Also, the banter for both acts was hilarious. Seriously, by the end of the night, my cheeks hurt from all the laughing. So, yeah, go and listen and buy and stuff.

* Yesterday was the start of Fat Talk Free Week (via Kate at Broadsheet). Can you even imagine a world sans trash talking your body or anyone else's? I sure would like to try it out! Also this week: Love Your Body Day on Wednesday.

* A week from this Sunday (on October 26th), there will be a Really, Really Free Market (organized by Bash Back! Chicago) from noon until 5 p.m. in the park just off the Division Blue Line stop. I'm going to be there, probably manning a clothes table or maybe doing some music or possibly reading palms or cards. I could use some help, so if you're interested in helping man a table, or reading for free/barter, please get in touch!

* Last thing: I'm going to be brushing up a set of holiday music (either Sacred or not or both, depending on venue); if you or anyone you know is in the market for some acoustic-guitar-and-singer ambient holiday music for a party or whatever this holiday season....I know this chick that might be able to help.

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